People, what year/planet are these two living in/on?! Yes, my girlfriends and I spotted these two lovely creatures out on the prowl Wednesday night. They were a hoot, and after 2 bottles of wine my bf and I downed during
Wine Not Wednesday I was about to pee my pants watching them "dance". Ladies please, I know that you think you look hot but really, you look ridiculous. The short one, lets call her "Tammy", was the first in the door. She rocked the tights and boots in a sexy little denim mini and black sparkly tube top. After showing the bouncer her I.D. she turned and waited on her friend to come in. Because lets face it, a girl like that doesn't fly solo.
Then she walked in...
Tall. thin. Modelesque. A girl with that figure can pull off almost any fashion trend. I would have loved to have seen her in wide-leg pants, white t-shirt and fabulous pea-coat. Oohh, and with a beret on. Very Parisian Chic! (which, by the way, is very "in" right now) Oh, no, she far surpassed any of our expectations. As C and I casually sipped our beers, waiting in anticipation, H was up on the stage, singing with/annoying the dirty, yet strangely sexy, guitar player. She, let's call her "Nicky", takes off her coat and BINGO. Just what we were waiting on. Faux leather/suede leopard zip-up-the-back tube top and this sweet glitter belt. (Do they even make glitter belts any more?!) Seriously.
I am not a fashion expert but at least I know that some things are never okay.