Friday, January 30, 2009


I will be enjoying some "authentic" Mexican food tonight and celebrating a good friend's birthday.

I will have a margarita (or two) for you.

Have a wonderful weekend!

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Domino is Dead

You made me so happy. Please tell Cottage Living "Hello!" up there in magazine heaven.

You will be missed.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Creative Inspiration

I have a lot of ideas floating around in this little head of mine. All having to do with a shop I will be opening soon on Etsy (details will be coming soon!!!!). I have been talking about this for about 2 years now, lurking in the shadows of other stores and blogs that contain images and things that I find inspirational and that stimulate my creative juices.I have taken a idea from fellow blogger Rebekaha and have started an "Inspirational Journal" filled with images, quotes and colors that inspire me to create! Hopefully there will be no more creative blocks in my future...

Photo Credit: Rebekaha

Tuesday, January 27, 2009


Who doesn't love a good sammie now an then? (yes-I am channeling Rachel Ray-even though she drives me crazy)

Since I have been watching my figure in hope to beat out Heidi Klum in the running for the title of "The Body" I have not been able to enjoy my favorite sammies...(ok I will stop now). I have been know to eat a few strange sandwiches now and then. When I was little, I had may different choices to choose from...

Ham, Cheese and Applesauce sandwich (sometimes sans bread)

Ham, Cheese and Ketchup tucked neatly between 2 pieces of white bread

White bread and Sharp Cheddar Cheese, except I took this concept a little further and would "squish" the bread down and make the sandwich as thin as possible. It was delicious.

Bama Apple Jelly on "Mama Bread" (Pepperidge Farm Thin White Bread)

As I grew older, my taste buds grew and I got a little more adventurous. I was meeting new friends and becoming more creative with my sandwiches. Typical lunches would include...

Turkey, Cheese and Mustard sandwiches with Nacho Cheese Doritos smashed inside. This added a little extra crunch, and yes, I was the 'weirdo" at the lunch table in High School.

Double Cheeseburgers with French Fries in between both pieces of meat

After all of this experimenting I think I have found the JACKPOT of ALL SANDWICHES. Some think it is gross but those who have tasted it is all of it glory have begged for more. So, without further adue, I give to you...

"The World's Most Awesome Sandwich Ever Made By Me"

Turkey, Cheese and Mustard on Whole Wheat "Mama" bread (referenced above), grilled in a pan of butter (Grilled Cheese Style)-topped with a Fried Egg (over easy), and smothered with Green Taco Sauce.

**I was not under the influence of ANYTHING at the time of the latter sandwiches creation-I'm just that good.

Monday, January 26, 2009


My blog is fugly.

I am working on a new blog color scheme/look/overall make-over as we speak.

Stay tuned.

What's Your Therapy?

Mine is piddling with (piddling-is this a real word?) and organizing things around my house on a lazy Saturday or Sunday.

After Mom and I went shopping to find some pillows to "bighten up" my "beige" den, as my sister put it, I was a woman on a mission. Den down, the rest of the house to go... (Soon I will post some pics for all to see...)

I happen to have A LOT of storage space in my little duplex but for some reason still had STUFF EVERYWHERE. Crap in one draw and more crap in another. Tell me, how does one person accumulate so much crap?

I get a little bit of this from my mother who finds things such as paint, paper, string and whatnot and, by not having somewhere to put it, it ends up in draws and on shelves lookin' like a bunch of crap. To artists like us, this "crap" means something. A new project to take on or the remenets of a project never competed.

Well this weekend I took hold of my "crap" and cleaned it up. Most of it went in the garbage, because lets face it--most of it was crap. I re-arranged, laundered, dusted, labeled, organized and vacuumed. All while Stevie Wonder sang to me about love, life and a Reggae Woman.

It was so nice to wake up to a clean, organized house. I tell you what, putting on make-up in the morning is so fun now that I don't have to dig through the drawer to find my eyeliner.

What is your therapy?

Friday, January 23, 2009

New Year Resolutions....

"Success means having the courage, the determination and the will to become the person you believe you were meant to be"
-George Sheehan
I didn't make a New Years Resolution this year. I couldn't think of just ONE thing. I think that when you make just one resolution such as "I am going to lose 15 lbs" or "I am going to quite (insert vice here)" you are setting yourself up for failure. Why should we only make a resolution on New Years Day? Shouldn't we make resolutions to ourselves everyday? That being said, I have compiled a set of goals I would like to reach before 2010 rolls around:
  1. Get healthy (this includes learning how to eat better and exercises more).
  2. Learn how to build a website.
  3. Open an Etsy shop.
  4. Save at least $2,000 for a trip to Scotland.
  5. Take better care of my friendships.
  6. Learn how to pick my battles with people.
  7. Finish the ENTIRE Outlander Book Series by Diana Gabaldon before the 7th book comes out in the fall (one down 5 more to go, and yes...this is my 3rd time to read them...)
  8. Learn how to screen print.
  9. Learn how to tile my back splash in my kitchen.
  10. To realize EVERYDAY how blessed I am to have both arms, both legs, a loving family, fantastic friends, a great job and a wonderful boyfriend. ( No matter how much I bitch about all of these things)
So, what are your GOALS for 2009?

Thursday, January 22, 2009

New Year, New Me, New Blog...

So I haven't blogged since July of 2008...and I have missed it.

I don't know why I stopped blogging-maybe the newness wore off? Maybe I just forgot to post for so long that it seemed kinda silly to start back? Maybe I didn't know what to post about? Maybe I was intimidated by all the other bloggers that seem to have a purpose about their blogs? Maybe I was afraid of letting my inner thoughts out?

I know I probably let some of you down (Mom, Dad...Carli) by not updating this thing or simply by not finishing what I started, but, like the title of this post suggests...New Year, New Me, New Blog.

Hmmm, where to begin-

The last half of 2008 was great! I joined a bunko group (haven't won yet but have impressed my new friends with some sweet skills). I gained about 7 lbs--this is not so great in the since that my clothes didn't fit--BUT it has motivated me to get healthy and fit. I spent a lot of time with family and friends. Traveled to Nashville to pursue my singing career (by this I mean a late night karaoke performance of Reba McIntire's "Fancy" with 7 of the best back-up singers a gal could ask for!). FYI-We got a standing ovation. You know, lots of other fun stuff that I will not bore you with now.

2009 is a brand new year. I can not promise a post everyday-but I will try. You might notice a few changes in my posting personality. I plan on making Navy & Gray (how do we feel about this name? I'm thinking of changing it...) a bit of a "journal" blog. Not really focused on anything but what is going on in my head, and for those of you who know me--THAT. IS. ALOT. I once diagnosed myself with A.D.D and when I explained this revelation to my mother, she simply smiled and said, "We have always known that about you". I replied in the most grown up way possible: "Well, you have it to so you can't say ANYTHING". How adult of me, I know...

Anywhoo- there you go and there you have it-and in the words of one of my pledge sister... "Here's to Lookin' fine, feelin' fine, and gettin' mine in 2009"

P.S. I have lost 2.6 lbs. My dream of looking like Heidi Klum in my bikini is slowly becoming a reality. Eat your heart out Gisiele...