I am in a funky mood this morning. I feel like this little girl lost in the forest of life. You ever feel that way?I know the three people who read this blog probably don't want to hear about my "problems" but this is why I started this blog. To act as a journal-to express myself.
Ok, maybe "problems" is not a good word, more like concerns? Hmmm. Who knows, but get ready because here I go:
On Life: I gained 1.5 lbs this week. I knew I was doing it too when I slammed the ENTIRE Totino's Combination Pizza last Thursday for lunch-and had another one for dinner.
On the Home Front: My house collects more dust than any other house in the world. I have fuzz-bunnies for days. I could probably make a fuzz-bunny blanket right now-AND I SWEPT AND DUSTED 2 DAYS AGO!!! Also, I forgot my towels were in the washer and now they have that weird mildew smell-gross. Now I have to wash them again.
On the Creative Side: I think I am in over my head. There are so many things I want to do with Katie Company, Inc-I just don't have the time-OR maybe it is because I am afraid of failing... My blog is fugly. My Esty
shop lacks professional looking photos and really great products because they are all floating around in my head. I was going to take some really great pictures this weekend but I have read that you are supposed to use natural light and it supposed to rain here ALL WEEKEND. Definitely not going to help my mood. Also, I can't decided if I should start a new blog focused on Katie Company, Inc and use this blog for my "journal". That might be WAY to much for me right now.
I am really good at being other people's "Life Coach"but I am HORRIBLE at being my own. I need someone to guide me. Any takers? I am now accepting applications.
Applicants must be able to:
- give me constructive criticism-if not brutal honesty (if need be)
- praise me when I have done good then give me a cookie (but I will settle for a cupcake)
- be a sounding board for all of my wild idea's
- tell me when I am in over my head.
Oh yeah-did I mention I am most likely the most stubborn person you will or have ever met?
Good luck, I look forward to working with you.