Country Living February Issue "House of the Year"
I am absoultley IN LOVE with this house! Almost every room is a different shade of blue or gray! YES! (wow, to many exclamation points....)
- Living Room: OMG. This is the exact look I am going for in my house. Ok, maybe this is a little more frilly than I would like but you get the point.
- Bedroom: I believe this is the color scheme I am going to go with in my office. Speaking of color schemes... does anyone know the website where you scan a picture in an it pulls the colors out for you? I know I have seen it on of the fabulous blogs I look at everyday, I just can't remember which one! ARGH!
- Library: How freaking great is this library. I can never make my books look good on my shelves like that. (Maybe because most of them have half naked Fabio on the cover/spine embracing a half naked beautiful woman....). Oh! And that pillow!
Country Living has really outdone themselves this time with the 2008 House of the Year. Ok, HGTV and Cottage Living, get you game face on. You've got some stiff competition.
If you scan the image and upload it to Flickr (or some other place online), you can use Color Palette Generator or Color Hunter.
Thank you for the websites! I spend all day yesterday uploading pictures of rooms that I like and didn't know why. Now I know it was the color combos! I think I have died and gone to heaven.
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